Monday, December 28, 2020

The ZooKeeper's New Year's Resolution

(... will probably not be lose weight. Because it has already been fulfilled)

What happened during 2020?

The Node.js ZooKeeper Client - simply called zookeeper - have been released 5 times and the current version is now 4.7.1.

🎉 Packaging

The source code is packaged differently, making the footprint a lot smaller and the install process simplified. To summarize: the ZooKeeper lost weight.

🎉 Prebuilds make the install process really, really fast

The install process is faster than ever. If you are a Mac OS X or Windows user, there is no longer any need to build an AddOn during the install process. Everything is already included in the package, thanks to a cool tool called prebuildify. Linux user? Don't worry, the installer will quickly build a Native Node.js AddOn for the Linux flavor you are running. During 2021 we will probably include prebuilds for the most common Linux flavors.

🎉 TypeScript

TypeScript declarations makes the Developer Experience very nice. With type hints, function parameter docs and autocomplete.

🎉 async zookeeper

Promise based functions are the default.
await client.create(path, data, constants.ZOO_EPHEMERAL);

🎉 Same client for all platforms

The same version of the C Client source code is now used in Linux, Mac OS X and Windows 10 to build a Node.js native AddOn. Before that, there was an issue with Windows clients connecting to a ZooKeeper server v3.4.8 that made us add a workaround - reverting to a really old client version for Windows users. But that is now solved and all platforms share the same set of modern features. Yay!

🚀 What's next?

Adding support for the new node types introduced in Apache ZooKeeper server v3.5.5:
Container and TTL. The features will probably be released during January 2021.

🎉 Happy New Year! 🎉

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