Continuing with the work on tooling support for interactive & fun development with Python.
A while ago, I wrote an article about my current attempts to make development in Python more interactive, more "test" driven and more fun.
My North Star is the developer experience in Clojure, where you have everything at your fingertips. Evaluating expressions (i.e. code) is a common thing for Lisp languages in general. I've found that it is sometimes difficult to explain this thing to fellow developers with no experience from Clojure development. The REPL is in most languages an external thing you do in a terminal window, detached from the work you usually do in your IDE. But that's not the case with REPL Driven Development (RDD).
Along the way, I have learned how to write and evaluate Python code within the code editor by using already existing tools and how to configure them. Here's my first post and second post (with setup guides) about it. You'll find information about the basic idea with RDD and guides on how to setup your IDE or code editor for Python development.
Can it be improved?
This has been the way I have done Python development most of the time, described in the posts above. But I have always wanted to find ways to improve this workflow, such as actually see the evaluated result in an overlay right next to the code. Not too long ago, I developed support for it in Emacs and it has worked really well! You can read about it and see examples of it here.
What about AI?
While writing Python code, and doing the RDD workflow, there's often a manual step to add some test or example data to variables and function input parameters. Recently, I got the idea to automate it using an LLM. I wrote a simple code editor command that prompts an AI to generate random (but relevant) values and then populate the variables with those. Nowadays, when I want to test Python code, I can prepare it with example data in a simple way by using a key combination. And then evaluate the code as before.
Are we there yet?
One important thing with RDD, that I haven't been able to figure out until now, is how to modify and evaluate code from an actual running program. This is how things are done in Clojure, you write code and have the running app, service, software constantly being changed while you develop it. Without any restarts. It is modified while it is running. Tools like NRepl does this in the background, with a client-server kind of architecture. I haven't dig that deep into how NRepl works, but believe it is similar to LSP (Language Server Protocol).
The workflow of changing a running program is really cool and something I've only seen before as a Clojure developer. So far I have used IPython as the underlying tool for REPL Driven Development (as described in the posts above).
A solution: the Kernel
In Python, we have something similar to NRepl: Jupyter. Many developers use Notebooks for interactive programming, and that is closely related to what I am trying to achieve. With a standard REPL session, you can add, remove and modify the Python code that lives in the session. That's great. But a sesssion is not the same as an actual running program.
A cool thing with Jupyter is that you can start a Python Kernel that clients can connect to. A client can be a shell, a Notebook - or a Code Editor.
jupyter kernel
By running the jupyter kernel
command, you have a running Python program and can interactively add things to it, such as initiating and starting up a Python backend REST service. Being able to connect to the Jupyter kernel is very useful. While connected to the kernel, you can add, remove, modify the Python code - and the kernel will keep on running. This means that you can modify and test your REST service, without any restarts. With this, we are doing truly interactive Python programming. You will get instant feedback on the code you write, by evaluating the code in your editor or when testing the endpoint from a browser or shell.
"Dude, ever heard about debugging?"
Yes, of course. Debugging is closly related to this workflow, but it is not the same thing. Debugging is usually a one way flow. A timeline: you run code, pause the execution with breakpoints where you can inspect things, and then continue until the request is finalized. The RDD workflow, with modifying and evaluating a running program, doesn't have a one-way timeline. It's timeless. And you don't add breakpoints.
REPL Driven tooling support
I have developed tooling support for this new thing with connecting to a Jupyter Kernel, and so far it works well! Python is different from languages like Clojure: namespaces are relative to where the actual module is placed in the folder structure of a repo. This means that those connected to a Kernel need to have the full namespace (i.e. the full python path) for the items to inspect. This is what I have added in the tooling, so I can keep the RDD flow with the nice overlays and all.
I am an Emacs user, and the tooling I've written is for Emacs. But it shouldn't be too difficult to add it to your favorite code editor. Have a look at the code. You might even learn some Lisp along the way.
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