"... Material is a design system created by Google to help teams build high-quality digital experiences for Android, iOS, Flutter, and the web ..."
from material.io
ClojureScript & React is A 💕 Story
With Clojure, you can write functional & minimalistic code. With ClojureScript and Reagent, you can write functional & minimalistic React components. By adding re-frame to it, we also have a powerful way of handling state changes and triggering events.
The code you write in ClojureScript is instantly compiled to JavaScript React components that runs in your browser. The entire JavaScript ecosystem is available with this kind of setup.

"... React components for faster and easier web development. ..."
from material-ui.com
Material-UI is a very popular React framework. And we can use it with ClojureScript. But the JavaScript interop can sometimes be bit of a hassle. Fortunately, there is a great ClojureScript library called reagent-material-ui that simplifies this a lot.
One thing to notice is that the Material-UI components use React Hooks heavily to inject styling and theming into components. This is something to think about when using Reagent. Basically, just use the functional component syntax [:f> my-component]
and you’re all good.
Have a look at the reagent-material-ui docs about common pitfalls in the React/Reagent interop and a fully working example in this GitHub repo.
Storybook: a playground for components
Here’s me playing around with the Card component, using ClojureScript and Storybook. I describe the Storybook integration in detail in this post.

No copy-paste?
I guess it can be a bit overwhelming for a Clojure developer to look at example code from the Material-UI site, with JavaScript/JSX syntax that is quite verbose (you’ll be even more overwhelmed by the TypeScript examples).
A JavaScript developer would probably copy-paste the example code and make some adjustments. We can’t do that. But it is worth the effort writing the code from scratch when discovering that the result is way more simplistic than the original. The amount of code written is usually half the size of the original JavaScript code. Yeah, that’s Clojure!

Check out my GitHub repo with examples on how you can implement Material-UI components in ClojureScript, with hooks and styles - while having fun writing functional code.
Top photo by Thierry Lemaitre on Unsplash
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