"… we're going to build a web app with storage, authentication and everything …"
But how?
My favorite building blocks 🤩
I have tried out some tools that I find very useful. As you may have guessed, the code is developed with ClojureScript. A language I appreciate more each day. Developing an app, without the Interactive REPL? That would be taking a huge step backwards.
I have found that Material-UI works really well in the development of the app I'm working on. The components library cover many usage scenarios, it is well documented and there's a lot of code examples to learn from.
Recently, I added Storybook and really like the idea of developing user interfaces according to Component Driven Design. It reminds me of how I experiment with code using Test Driven Development. Just like TDD, I think tools like Storybook and Devcards changes the way we develop, to the better. Start small & build quality in.
Let's begin with a building block from my favorites list: AWS Amplify.
A basic setup for AWS Amplify & ClojureScript
The official AWS Amplify documentation is all about JavaScript. In this post, and in this example code repo, you will find a ClojureScript setup that I think will get you up & running quickly. First, set up AWS Amplify by following the first parts of the Official getting started guide. You will be creating an AWS account and installing a CLI to initialize your setup.
If want more details, have a look at Hey Webpack, Hey ClojureScript. It's a post describing a ClojureScript & Amplify specific setup that is used in the example repo.
Start coding, but where? 🤔
A pitfall might be where to place the auto generated client code from Amplify. I usually put files like the aws-exports.js at the same level as the root namespace.
In the example code repo, the ClojureScript source code lives in the src/main
folder. That's also where I've added the aws-exports.js file.

Login & Logout with ClojureScript & the Amplify CLI
Adding authentication can easily be done by using the Amplify CLI.

From the docs:
"... The Amplify CLI supports configuring many different Authentication and Authorization workflows, including simple and advanced configurations of the login options, triggering Lambda functions during different lifecycle events, and administrative actions which you can optionally expose to your applications ..."
Use the Auth features in Amplify UI
There's a very useful Higher-Order React Component (aka HOC) in the AWS Amplify UI Library, that will render login and signup views.
I've chosen this less-lines-of-code approach by using the withAuthenticator HOC. To customize things like signup fields or styling, there is also a fully customizable Authorization component available in the Amplify UI library. Or you can use your own components.

If you already have browsed the code in my example repo, you may have noticed the Reagent reactify-component and as-element functions. These functions are needed when passing components between ClojureScript and JavaScript.
Read more about React Components, elements and instances and how the interop is done with Reagent.
Create, read, update and delete
So far, we have used built in features that will render UI views and handle all auth communication with a backend service. To store, read and update data, we can use the Amplify API feature. Use the CLI to create a backend:

I have chosen GraphQL in my example code, but there's also a REST API option. When using GraphQL, all you need to do is to define data models. Amplify will create the backend infrastructure according to your models. In a matter of minutes, there are AWS AppSync endpoints & DynamoDB tables created for your app.
Here's a GraphQL model. An authenticated user should be able to add data to the profile, like a summary or an "About me" text. The user will be able to create, delete and update the data in the profile. Other authenticated users can read the data when they visit the user's profile.

async ClojureScript
The Amplify Client Library handles the communication with the backend services. All calls are asynchronous. In ClojureScript, you can use core.async. I haven't yet dig into the core.async stuff, so I'm using Promises here. I think it's a quite straight forward approach.

The data going through the wire is JSON. To make the developer experience better, I think it might be a good idea to add conversion functions to-and-from Clojure data structures. Like this one, converting user settings JSON to Clojure data:

Finally: Ship it! 🚢
Here's an excerpt from an amplify.yml that defines the build steps. If you add a definition file in your repo, AWS Amplify will use it in the CI/CD process.

There's more details at the official AWS docs about build settings and about amazon-linux-install.
Add UI building blocks to the amplified app
Now we have our amplified ClojureScript app. Let's add UI building blocks from Material-UI, a library that is very popular in the JavaScript & React ecosystem. Here, I'm using it via a ClojureScript library called reagent-material-ui. The library makes it possible to write components using Clojure data structures. You can read more about Material-UI and ClojureScript in my previous post Material Design in a Functional World.

Testing the UI building blocks with ✨ Storybook ✨
I find Storybook very useful when experimenting with components and user interfaces in isolation. Being able to focus on one specific thing. There's many different aspects of developing an app, and it is sometimes difficult to handle all of them at the same time.
Storybook is a place for trying out things like css, styling, different viewports and UI events. You won't try out the AWS Amplify code here. The Interactive REPL is a better tool for that.
You'll find more about Storybook in Component Driven ClojureScript with Storybook.

Finally, check out my GitHub repo for ideas on how to create apps with the building blocks AWS Amplify, Material-UI, Storybook and ClojureScript.
That's a combination I'd like to call ✨ClojureScript. Amplified. ✨
Top photo by Drew Patrick Miller on Unsplash
This loads 550 MB of dependencies and compiles a 1.2 MB JavaScript bundle. I am sure that it would be possible to find dependencies that are way less complex but provide the same value as Storybook, Material UI and AWS Amplify. Also note that the first two are famous for breaking when updating React.
I'm sure there are great alternatives out there! A more Clojure native alternative to Storybook would be DevCards. And you could switch out Material-UI for Tailwind or something similar.
The bundle size you refer to would be in developer mode, right?
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